Metaphysics 102

Metaphysics 102: Revealing the Secret and Demystifying the Strange

Book #1 from the series: Metaphysics 102

Metaphysics, the secret doctrine of the Dead, is traditionally and invariably couched in intrigue and mystery within the darkness of seances, haunted buildings, ghosts and demons; not truely taken seriously. Talk of death in our age is frowned upon, for the World has no answers to offer but to avoid discussion. This is changing now in front of...

The Rapture: Here Now and God Tomorrow: A Promised New Aquarian Age Rising From Mind (Metaphysics and You: Preparing For the Now Dawning Age of Aquarius)

Book #2 from the series: Metaphysics 102

The Rapture, a Christian term, is allegory for a natural cyclic evolutionary process that materializes internally deep in the Mind when corruption and lawlessness overtake the societal norm and decay sets in. This “new Man” (the developing Mental structure) begins replacing the outer world authorities at all levels of society, revealing a...

Cleopatra in Ixtlan (The Gospel of Jesus According to Cleopatra)

Book #3 from the series: Metaphysics 102

Indigenous South American Yaqui mystic don Juan is guiding me through a stormy sea of history for reconciling this incarnation cycle that began in 68 BC at birth of Cleopatra of Egypt. Egyptian Book of the Dead spells provide time-travel back and ahead for reestablishing the Pharaohs throne. I’ll meet a sailing ship captain on the Atlantic Sea,...