
The Incarnation: Cleopatra’s Story of Jesus

Book #1 from the series: Cleopatra’s Story of Jesus

Seven incarnations of the Godhead make up an incarnational round that began in the 1st century BC. We are today at the seventh round personality. Cleopatra of Alexandria, the Last Egyptian pharaoh, was the first personality of the seven in this incarnational periord.

The historical written record of this early time is incomplete and unreliable....

What Did Jesus Really Say?: A Study of the Inner Knowledge

Book #2 from the series: Cleopatra’s Story of Jesus

In the first century AD a religion was born: Christianity, with Jesus Christ head of the Church. Little evidence survives regarding the critical formative years, all from second-hand sources and mostly one man, Paul of Tarsus, who never physically walked with Jesus. The living narrative of Jesus’ life is in question. More in question is the...

Johann’s Awakening: A Seagull’s Story of Enlightenment

At the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, young Jonathan Livingston Seagull caught the world’s notice as he sought to break beyond the pitiful life of those average mortals populating the earth. Conquering all, entering into the eternal bliss, Jonathan left us, as did this magical spiritual age of enlightenment. What happened?

In that era many...

Yancey Gates: A Dialogue With Self

Yancey Gates seeks enlightenment, while enduring a mundane job plagued with office politics at the San Francisco Planning Department. Opportunity arises when a dynamic new California governor proposes a world’s fair in San Francisco having a spiritual theme.

Yancey’s job in Planning takes on new life as the governor’s plan drops into his lap, and...

ISON, the Icy Wanderer: and Other Mystical Tales

Looking for snippets of fresh perspectives, humor in mundane things, wisdom insights, check out these short mystical stories:

Our first story “ISON the Icy Wanderer” gives glimmers on a commonality of celestial and worldly insights. Americans were celebrating Thanksgiving in Fall of 2013 when Comet ISON, arriving from the distant Oort Cloud,...

Kaitlin’s Message: A Gnostic story and the true message of Jesus

Master or apocalyptic zealot?

Our story begins at the “Med”, a vintage Berkeley café hangout for college kids and old-timers. On a fine Saturday morning first date, the atmosphere soon changes as two young lovers, Robert and Kaitlin, clash in an angry spat over their contrary religious beliefs: Kaitlin a loyal churchgoing Christian, Robert an...

Isaac’s Two Sons: A Jungian Adventure into the Mind and the Material

A journey deep within the soul, guided by the famed psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s mysterious obscure story “Seven Sermons to the Dead”, young U.C. Berkeley professor Robert Anderson sets out to crack the riddle of the twin sons of Isaac who fought from the time they came forth from the womb and still fight today; a world destined to not see peace...

The Steps

Storms, hurricanes, earthquakes everywhere, a Savior appears, preaching of end times: rapture, damnation, Earth entering some supposed invisible force field he calls the “Photon Belt”. Some say he’s Jesus or Buddha, or some new Master of light. Palo Alto software technician Egbert Benson sees he’s a fake, cashing on those weird calamities. Yet...

Cleopatra in Ixtlan (The Gospel of Jesus According to Cleopatra)

Book #3 from the series: Metaphysics 102

Indigenous South American Yaqui mystic don Juan is guiding me through a stormy sea of history for reconciling this incarnation cycle that began in 68 BC at birth of Cleopatra of Egypt. Egyptian Book of the Dead spells provide time-travel back and ahead for reestablishing the Pharaohs throne. I’ll meet a sailing ship captain on the Atlantic Sea,...

The Rapture: Here Now and God Tomorrow: A Promised New Aquarian Age Rising From Mind (Metaphysics and You: Preparing For the Now Dawning Age of Aquarius)

Book #2 from the series: Metaphysics 102

The Rapture, a Christian term, is allegory for a natural cyclic evolutionary process that materializes internally deep in the Mind when corruption and lawlessness overtake the societal norm and decay sets in. This “new Man” (the developing Mental structure) begins replacing the outer world authorities at all levels of society, revealing a...

Metaphysics 102: Revealing the Secret and Demystifying the Strange

Book #1 from the series: Metaphysics 102

Metaphysics, the secret doctrine of the Dead, is traditionally and invariably couched in intrigue and mystery within the darkness of seances, haunted buildings, ghosts and demons; not truely taken seriously. Talk of death in our age is frowned upon, for the World has no answers to offer but to avoid discussion. This is changing now in front of...

The Verbal Truth of Christianity: How the Church Coopted the Jesus Message

Book #3 from the series: Cleopatra’s Story of Jesus

“Jesus said, ‘Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.’” This spoken by the Master was banned by the budding Christian Church two-thousand years ago, still deemed a heretical teaching to this day.

The Verbal Truth of...