The Rapture: Here Now and God Tomorrow: A Promised New Aquarian Age Rising From Mind (Metaphysics and You: Preparing For the Now Dawning Age of Aquarius)
The Rapture, a Christian term, is allegory for a natural cyclic evolutionary process that materializes internally deep in the Mind when corruption and lawlessness overtake the societal norm and decay sets in. This “new Man” (the developing Mental structure) begins replacing the outer world authorities at all levels of society, revealing a process of “God’s Eternal Kingdom” descending into the World, creating a “Heavenly Government on Earth”. Such a restoral returns all nations to the principles of religion: truth, justice, liberty and common sense, whereupon the world flourishes in the new age. This is happening now, it began in April 2020 at start of the so-called “Pandemic” lockdown, whereupon society became ripe for the flourishing of internal relationships. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarious where harmony and understanding come into form, its first fruits having been the 1960s civil-rights and anti-war peace and love movements.
The Rapture, a Christian term describing a key biblical prophesy of the New Testament Bible, is a cyclic event that repeatedly happens when there is a falling away from religion, that is, a forgetting of the internal knowledge with reliance shifting to a physical world mindset where individual desire is paramount over collective Mind.
1 — New Testament Prophesy
The first mention of what we call the Rapture in the New Testament Bible is in Matthew 24, purportedly a warning from Jesus of a great calamity about to fall upon the people …
2 — Incident at the ‘Med’
In about 1977, reading and digesting the Seth Material, I began having dreams of my father who was still physically in body and would be for another decade, that he was taking me high up on a mountain and I interpreted this as he was giving me spiritual guidance. This confused me because my dad was a rather ordinary practical man who didn’t believe anything that he couldn’t see …
3 — For Identifying the Rapture
The internal world is accessible to anyone, not a matter of finding it, rather it is of recognizing what is here and has been here throughout our entire life and will be with us to the end and forever.
4 — An Ancient Pyramid Structure
Our subject is Christianity today because it is the prominent philosophy in thie era of modern science that promises things greater than what this world offers.
5 — Dogma or Dharma
Introducing new ideas will bring pushback from the average man content in what he has and knows now.
6 — The Rapture and Truth
We’ve so far rejected the Rapture as being anything more than Dogma, there is insufficient evidence that any such thing is possible as presented in Christian New Testament Biblical Scripture.
7 — Providence Has Favored Us
Putting all the pieces together, we can only wait until ‘God’ chooses to make his move, as has been the case throughout the 2000 year long era of Rome. The idea of a Rapture will continue as long as the ruling Roman Catholic Church stands.
8 — The New Man
Out with the old and in with the new. Things and ideas wear out and break or fade and are replenished and refurbished or discarded for something new.
9 — Revealing the Origin
The moment is here, now; it set down its first roots on April 21, 2020. A “Pandemic” (a Worldwide “Epidemic”) had set in just a month earlier, a supposed disease.
10 — Raptured!
Having a developed background in how the Rapture occurs and as to why it happens and that it is a good thing, we have reached the key aspect for why this book needed to be written.
11 — An Unfolding Mystery Surfacing
From April 2020 until now, I’m seeing and experiencing incarnational changes.
12 — To Recognize and Participate
Awaiting us is a continuing incarnation as we step through the illusion of death into a similar but less objectively real world awaiting us, and we call this “Heaven” or “continuing life”.